Ultrasound Courses for Medical Professionals

If you are a physician who uses ultrasound equipment in your office, but hiring a Sonographer with regular hours is not necessary for your specific needs, we can teach you or a member of your medical staff the basic principles of diagnostic medical ultrasound and how it is applied as well as train staff members how to perform basic ultrasound exams or exams specific to your practice. Imaging facilities in rural areas may also find our services useful when diversifying existing radiology team members to cross train into ultrasound in order to increase revenue streams and current exam offerings to physicians and their patients. Larger facilities may wish to offer more ultrasound exams that require further training for the seasoned sonographers currently on staff. Any type of medical professional who uses ultrasound to supplement their professional practice with patients can benefit from our simplified “need to know” basics for what their specific needs are. Our hands-on or Zoom directed courses are custom designed for each client to introduce seasoned sonographers to new exams or even the most novice learner to the field of sonography.

Beginning courses are targeted to those who have virtually no experience with ultrasound and include fundamental physical principles and instrumentation, cross sectional anatomy, scan planes and orientation, exam protocols or required images for diagnosis, and a brief introduction to common pathologies. Accelerated versions of our courses are offered to experienced sonographers or students seeking training in another aspect of ultrasound or as a supplement to a specific subject matter while attending ultrasound school.
Small class size (1-3 persons) ensures maximum scan time and one-on-one instructor to student ratio. We provide live models (at our location) and all course materials. If you are unable to travel to our facility, we will be happy to come to your facility or arrange for training at local venues in your area using our equipment. Class times are suited to your needs and can be scheduled during and or after normal business hour and on weekends. For individuals requiring didactic tutoring/instruction only, online (Zoom/Face Time) instruction may be sufficient. Live online courses can be designed for hands-on training once the learner’s level of understanding has been established by the instructor. Pricing is based on location, time required, level of current understanding and type of training required.